Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Calling In Sick

So, calling in sick when you just want a day off is a pretty old trick, but it still seems to work, if you're not an idiot.
Pretty much people make the same mistakes that get them caught when they call in sick.

-Don't make a fake sick voice - I mean really, c'mon. We know you're faking, no one really sounds like that.

-Call at the right time - Calling the night before is a bad idea, you're going to wait until you're sure you are still sick the next day. Calling right before you're supposed to arrive is a bad idea too. You know well in advance that you don't feel well. Calling right before is like saying, "Hey, I don't want to work today, and I just decided that, so I'm, uh, sick...."

-If you're really looking to sell the thing, try faking some symptoms the day before - Don't be overt, but if you can get the idea into the bosses head that you're coming down with something, he/she will connect the dots the next day when you make the call.

-Don't have any evidence of any activities other than bed resting and movie watching - going to the pool or beach is a bad idea when you call in sick. When you show up to work the next looking like that kid in the picture above, your cover is blown.


jenna said...

danny. lets be blog friends. this entry reminds me of a little someone rachel and i both share. hmmmm.

Deanna said...

I remember the time you came home with a burn like that. ouch. be thankful for little shorts.