Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hunting the world's most dangerous creature...

I recently found out that I passed my background investigation for the United States Border Patrol. I'm supposed to be getting an EOD (entrance on duty) date within the next 30-60 days. Here's a taste of what I'll be doing for a job.

Shaking hands with various ex-presidents of the US (while on horseback, of course)

Shooting large and expensive weapons. (And free unlimited ammo)

Driving boats and stuff.

Get a 4x4 truck, dunebuggy, or quad and unlimited gas to go drive around.

Snake wrangling (not the most dangerous creature)

I get paid to do this crap. Are you kidding me?


Heather said...

congrats danny boy! You are WELCOME. haha. :) I'm glad you got it! Also- I am a bit angry at you because you did not keep your promise. I still have not seen you....

Ashley said...

giddy up! where's the glock 17??? :)

Deanna said...

I'm totally coming to a border near you soon.
PS it was the moms...she gave the interviewer a little extra to get you the job.

El Cascabel said...

Interesting. A friend sent me a few links were my photo has appeared. Oddly enough, it appears that you are going into the BP as well. Enjoy...been allot of fun for me, the snake wrangling too :)